Lol.Today went to school for softball training!Yeah!Another friendly match with seniors?!Fun fun fun...though got strike out?:D.Haha,had fun though coach kind of 'scold' me but not really scold also?Lol.
Went to have lunch at the coffee shop with Dan,Mandy and Eileen!Then chatted a bit here and there?Went to buy some stuffs for the DCHS's students?:D.Saw Shawn,Nathan and Jeremy while i am about to buy donuts?!Lol.Yummy yummy but not the pink one though i LOVE the colour!That was random.
Tomorrow going to army market(like finally)with Mandy and Eileen?Maybe going to watch 2012?But probably not since i promised that i am going to watch it with bros.That is all,continue on finding my pictures for SG's presentation at davao in like 4 days time?!:D