Now,using computer in the Internet cafe?Money ar...$$$$?(flyyyy)Lol.Internet down these past one week?Dead...D:!
Going out with bros later on:D.East coast cycling?Finally...i get to work out?Lol.
And our very first 'brother' outing:D.Cant wait..
Going to enjoy myself and also work out a bit cause tomorrow will be the very first softball training since training stopped one month ago?
*May not be able to update till internet is back...going to singnet tomorrow!
I never should have gone for,I should never long for you no matter how hard it gets

- Awen
- Wendy A. [L]ove Si and Dan. Sight is the function of the eye but Vision is the function of the soul.Believe it or not,one day you will realise it and i yearn for the day.
Boomz is so Shingz
Leave a tag before leaving people:D
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