I never should have gone for,I should never long for you no matter how hard it gets


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Wendy A. [L]ove Si and Dan. Sight is the function of the eye but Vision is the function of the soul.Believe it or not,one day you will realise it and i yearn for the day.

Boomz is so Shingz

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Saturday, October 31, 2009


OMGosh...!now my Internet still can not connect?So now...Internet cafe again?:D
Many many things happened this past one week???I still like him?Lol...:D.Hahahaha...come on!

Okay..if i am really going to write all down it will be a really wordy post!So...if you really want to know then ask me instead?(sounded bhb man)Haha.

Finally getting myself a CAMERA!Yeahhhhhhhhh:D.Going to get it with ccy later now!
*Really cant use the Internet till i fix it?!(Agrh!)

I never should have gone for,I should never long for you no matter how hard it gets.And i want this to be over so want this to be through,in the end somehow it always comes back to you.Cause everywhere i go no matter what i do boy,i just cant get you out of my head...

Did the lyrics describe me somehow?Maybe,maybe not?Ahhhhhhhhhh....this totally freak me out!...Oh no!Too wordy already....sorry blogie,i have been feeding you with damn lots of words?Lol:D.

That is all for now,cant update much till i get my Internet back?!:(But do leave tag(s) people:D)

*wonders who read my blog?*


Music have long intro,please wait:D
