Many many things happened this past one week???I still like him?Lol...:D.Hahahaha...come on!
Okay..if i am really going to write all down it will be a really wordy post!So...if you really want to know then ask me instead?(sounded bhb man)Haha.
Finally getting myself a CAMERA!Yeahhhhhhhhh:D.Going to get it with ccy later now!
*Really cant use the Internet till i fix it?!(Agrh!)
Did the lyrics describe me somehow?Maybe,maybe not?Ahhhhhhhhhh....this totally freak me out!...Oh no!Too wordy already....sorry blogie,i have been feeding you with damn lots of words?Lol:D.
That is all for now,cant update much till i get my Internet back?!:(But do leave tag(s) people:D)
*wonders who read my blog?*